Spotlight on: Songs of Sven Lekberg by Dr. Michael Patterson

DMMO’s late founder Dr. Robert L. Larsen once said of his mentor, composer Dr. Sven Lekberg: “It was not the elegance, the sophistication, the technical perfection, or the polished surface that appealed to Sven…but the essential truth and simplicity of art.”

Such was the spirit behind Songs of Sven Lekberg, the latest compilation songbook from Dr. Michael Patterson. In an age where music has become increasingly digital, the idea to print songs from the last century might be considered quaint, but Patterson, a protégé of both Lekberg and Larsen, considered it necessary. “Nearly two dozen remarkable songs remained unpublished among his manuscripts,” he explained. “My fear was that the songs could disappear and never be seen or heard again.”

Excerpt from Songs of Sven Lekberg with a dedication from Sven to his wife Mildred.

Patterson coupled the idea with another passion—fundraising for Des Moines Metro Opera—making Songs of Sven Lekberg the fourth compilation of his to be sold exclusively through DMMO. Songs is part photo album of Lekberg and his beloved wife and muse Mildred, part songbook of what Patterson describes as “a mixture of folk music, 19th century romanticism, and 20th century individualism,” and has a YouTube link to audio recordings of each song by professional singers. As a bonus, there are also two special recordings from 1976 of piano improvisations performed by Lekberg himself. Patterson said the intent is for proceeds to go to DMMO in the Lekbergs’ memory while also preserving the songs for all to see and hear.

For more information on Songs of Sven Lekberg or to order a copy, visit or click on this link. For other books from Dr. Patterson, including The Lekberg Christmas Songs, Patterson Christmas Carols and 22 Songs by Michael Patterson, click here. All books are $25 each and 100% of sales benefit Des Moines Metro Opera.

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